Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yucky saturday

Well today started very early as Finnian was up after 1am. He was very cranky and just couldn't get comfortable. The rain was coming down and the wind was howling. I finally got him to slep at about 3:30 am. Then Eoghan and Joe were up by 5:30am so there was no point in going back to bed. At about 6am Eoghan laid down beside Finnian and next thing he was screaming. Eoghan must have knocked against Finny's leg. I finally got him back to sleep.
All day Finnian has mostly slept he will whin and you just reposition him and he goes right back to sleep. Because it was such a yucky day we were not going out so everyone got to stay in their jammies. It was such a cold ,wet damp, windy day. So I don't blame Finny for sleeping through it. I just hope he will stay asleep tonight. i sure do need my beauty sleep.
This afternoon while Finnian was being fed while he was sleeping thanks to his g-tube he gives the little tell taale cough and next thing the whole feed comes flying out his nose and mouth. He wakes up for about 15 mins and goes back to sleep as soon as he is all cleaned up. Every time I start a feed now he starts coughing. So instead I give him some ginger ale and so far he has kept it down.
I hate this rainy stormy weather well I hate what it does to Finny.

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