Friday, March 12, 2010

The latest news on the hip

Well today we went and saw Amber she removed the dressings on his hip and leg. They look very good. We asked when could he go back to school and what restricitons would he have. Also could he have a bath? that was the main one. She got in touch with the doc and we found out he can do some therapy with out his brace on and he also can have a bath. Which is great because the wig of curls really needs a good scrubbing. The steri strips on his leg will come off and we got told what to watch out for just incase. We had to get a bit of an adjustment done to his brace as it was kind of digging into the back of his leg. Mind you he got fitted for the brace before the surgery and it was perfect but when they moved, shifted and put everything back the way it allways should have been it was a bit on the long side. John came in and took care of it and Finnian was a happier camper.
So we headed over to the peds office as he still has his stubborn hospital cough. We have been giving him breathing treatments like we normally would but this time it wasn't shifing. So the doc could hear some crackels in the upper lobe of his right lung and to be on the safe side he gave him an antibotic as his body had been through alot in a week.
So tomorrow we go and get his low vision exam for school and we will see if he will be told he is totally blind or if he can be diagnosed as visually impaired legally blind.
Well we will find out tomorrow

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