Monday, March 22, 2010


Sunday was a beautiful day. The weather was gorgeous. We went to my brothers house to watch the parade. It was funny I always forget to pack something so I forgot to pack wipes. Not to worry thee is a CVS right near my brothers but it is on the parade path. I tried to ask people to move so I could get into the store but you would thing I asked them for their last dollar. So in the end I got a Policeman and he shifted the people out of the way so I could get into the store.
So I got the wipes, a new toy as we had lost his chewy toy on the way up there and of course my Cadbury carmel eggs we also picked up a pair of sun glasses for Finnian. He was doing his usual eye rolling and was getting a few odd looks.
On our way back we stopped just off the main street so Finnian could take in the sounds of the parade he loves the bag pipes and drums. It was funny one lady asked " how do you get him to sit quietly in his stroller?" You know I don't think about it anymore and I just said " My son is disabled and cannot walk" I felt bad for the lady as she stood there totally gob smacked not the answer she expected. But hey thats our life.
When we got back to my brothers house my sister and her other half had gotten there and they had their new puppy with them. Talk about exceitment Maura was over the moon. Nanny and Maura decided they would walk up to the store and you would never guess what they found yup Finny's chewy toy so they brought it back.
All in all we had a great day with great weather.

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