Saturday, March 13, 2010

The low vision exam

Well we started off bright and early this morning to go down to the city. We took the express bus yeah it did cost us $5.50 each but is well worth it. Normally I would just put Finnian in his Maclaren special needs buggy and carry him up and down the stairs but because of his hip he is in his big chair and there was no way I was about to try and carry it up and down subway stairs. The bus came and the driver got out to get Finnian on the lift well the lift wouldn't go up so she called it in and stayed there did not move until someone came out to see what was wrong with the lift.I was shocked. Normally they would just say wait for the next bus but she called it in and got it fixed. We got down there a little late but we got there.
So the usual go over his history any new changes in meds etc. Of curse it was raining and Finnian wasn't in any mood to have his eyes checked out. He did get to see his contacts when he finally opened his eyes up.With all the light testing he did Finnian only had one response to light but at the same time we couldn't really say if it was to the light he responded. I do know with the weather ,the rain, He wouldn't have much response as the rain effects his seizure activity and we know he would have a lower response if any at all. So the docotr is writing him up as non light responsive. It basically means he is blind. Is it a shock to get that diagnoses? No its not its something we have always know that eventually he would probably get the "blind" diagnoses.
I know you wonder why he wears contact lenses even though he cannot see. The reason is because of the catracts he doesn't have his natural lens and the lens protects the inside of his eye. The doctor is also going to register him with the Commision of the Blind and the Visually Impaired.

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