Sunday, March 21, 2010

sleepless night

I was very tired so Joe said he would stay up and watch Finnian. He is sleeping much better but you just have to reposition him as he cannot do it on his own. I was very excited I was going to get another full night sleep. Alas it didn't happen. Finnian decided he was going to have a few little spells of night time siezures. So Daddy panicked and woke me up.
was watching him and decide to get the camera so we could video the episodes and of course he has another one but as usual the card wasn't inthe camera. It was still in the printer so I grab the card and popped it in and of course the seizure was over. I have been sitting waiting and nothing . It never fails. We have never gotten these on an EEG we have tired. So they cannot say for sure they are "real" seizures. But I have never seen a child start out of the blue in a full sleep start crying but its not a real cry its like one of terror but its not a nightmare it just stops abruptly. It only lasts a max of 2 minutes.
We have had a good run with out these I havent seen one of these in about 3 mths. His last bad seizure was in the end of January.So we just have to really watch him for the next few days as we usually see these little night time spells before a big one. We see little ones daily but they aren't anything out of the norm. When he had the surgery we saw an increase the day he was discharged but when we got home I gave him a little bit of klonopin and it knocked thoes buggers out.
Later today we are going to the St. Patricks Day parade in Pearl River.


Debbie said...

It never fails...when you CAN sleep, you get woken...when you can't your dead tired and wish for that one night of solid sleep. At least you tried, huh?

So, I have seen Huds be in a solid sleep and out of it eyes pop open and full body tonic seizure. I just had this conversation with his nuero, and he said, if we understood how and why seizures happen we would be able to stop them...all such a mystery!

I have spent days trying to video tape episodes...these boys and their STUBBORN!!!

Did you decide on your party? My gut says your not going!

Bronx Cataldo's said...

Oh I'm tired this morning I woke to him puking just before 5 or around 5 I don't remember which.
On his last EEG it showed small seizures in his sleep but there was no physical involment so they were not saying they were the spells we were seeing at home.
Our function is a weding and your gut is right. Its not worth the expense or the worry just to feel normal.

Debbie said...

Oh No...sorry he is sick!hopefully it will pass quick and no other kids get it!

Ahhh...I was right...I know that's what I would end up doing too...hence my gut feeling!!!

Go lay down...(yeah right!)