Sunday, March 7, 2010

finally unwinding

Well when we went in for his surgery we were supposed to be home by Friday but when you have a child with medical issues that sometimes changes, well like this time. The surgery went great and even though the epidural didn't work the morphine did and his pain was well controlled. The problem he had was after surgery they noticed his potassium was low that was the reason we got sent to the ICU for the night. On Wednesday they gave him some potassium and he seemed to be a bit better but of course his levels dropped again.So they gave him more and they had to give him more on Thursday and Friday. Saturday finally he was holding low normal levels and thankfully this morning his levels were normal. The other issue he was having was he wasn't peeing on his own and had a cath in. So when ortho came by and said his potassium levels were good and he could go home as long as he peed on his own. So we had to wait. and we waited but he finally voided a little. We nearly had a little party when he went pee.
After we got home i gave him his meds and he was having alot of little seizures which I had expected due to the stress on his body so we took care of them with a little help from a bit of klonopin. Then he got his pain meds and he had a great nap. He woke up very cranky and couldn't get in to a comfy position so I took him in on our bed and laid him on top of me and he went back to sleep. So when I had to get up I felt really bad but I was able to make a makeshift mommy out of the pillows. He is snoring so I know he is finally catching up on his sleep. You know its not easy to rest when you are in the hospital when they are coming in checking your vitals and poking you and taking blood.
He goes back to the ortho doc later this week and we will see what he thinks of our Finnian. You know it was a hard surgery on him but you can see the difference on his leg already. So now we wait and hopefully it was the right thing we did for him.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hope he is healing well, and the days are getting easier for all of you!