Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Surgery update

Legs are marked and signed before surgery

See how long he is

Having a nap before surgery

ICU after surgery


Kind of awake in his room

See no casts but still has IV's in

I have never seen his left leg look so plump

He just wants to be left alone

Eoghan and Maura came to see Finnian in the hospital

Leave me alone " I hurt"
Well we were down at the hospital for 10 am and it was about 1:15 when we took him back in to the OR. I got to stay with him until he was asleep.I got to see them start his IV's and when they gave him the good stuff I said OK he is all your's now he is asleep.
Then the waiting began and the doctor came out after 4:30 and said that it had gone well and they had to use small hard wear on him. He didn't have to get blood and they had gotten the epidural and hopefully it would help with his pain managment.
I got back to see him and the poor little lad he wasn't feeling too good. They decided to pull the epi as it didn't seem to be working on him and they hooked him up on to a morphine pump. Since he was on the morphine they shipped him up to the ICU to be watched for the night. So today we got sent to a regular room. He still dosn't want anyone touching his leg not that I can blame him. They also took the urine cath off of him so it was fun changing his nappy. Its a 2 person job right now.
Tomorrow they are going to wean him off the morphie and try him on regular pain meds. they only did his left side so he will have to go back at another time and get the right hip done. They are a little worried as he is sleeping a lot. I told them that its normal its his way of dealing with all the sounds of the hospital and he would perk up is he was disconnected form everything and you tell him he's is going home.
So we will see how tomorrow goes with the wean of meds.

Eoghan relaxing watching TV in Finnian's room


Carolien said...

I feel sorry for Finnia seeing the forelast picture. Hopefully he feeling better soon.

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Poor lil pumpkin!

Michelle said...

I hope Finnian feels better soon. Seems like so long ago that we shared a room. Sending you lots of love!