Sunday, December 20, 2009

Santa Clause

Well we went to see Santa Clause on Saturday. So we bundled up good just to go down the street. We just got outside the door and next thing Maura screams "Its snowing". It was just starting to make a few flurries. So we went off and down to the pharmacy to see jolly St.Nick. We got there and there was a long line so we just waited our turn.

So the kids got really nice gifts and it didn't cost anything. So I had my camera with me and got to take a picture of my gang with him. We had to open Finnian up so he wouldn't over heat thats why he is the only one with his jacket off. His suggle bag was also opened and tucked under him.

1 comment:

Insurance Telemarketing said...

Aww, I used to love seeing Santa Clause in the malls. I always felt so special!!