Sunday, December 27, 2009

New tricks

Our Finnian can let you know when he has a wet diaper he has a hand signal. He can let you know if he has a yucky diaper the same hand signal and then he will make a funny noise with his nose like as if sniffing. But the best is you cannot leave him now with out some kind of bottoms on that will cover his diaper because he will open it and then scoot away from the diaper. So I wonder if he knows when he is going to pee if so we might be able to toilet train him but at the same time still have him in diapers just incase of accidents.
He will always have to be in either diapers or some kind of pull ups because of his seizures if one of thoese puppies popped up we wight have a dirty flood going on and I would hate to have to clean that up.
Oh well we will see what happens