Monday, December 14, 2009

A rough day

Most kids can tell you when their ear hurts or any part of them but my poor lad cannot so we have to play 20 questions." Finnian does your head have an owie? does your ear have an owie? does your nose have an owie?" and the list goes on. So you are probably wondering how he communicates back well on a good day he will say "ya" or shake his head no but on a bad day when you hit on the problem spot he cries harder.
Well his ears are bothering him again and he keeps letting us know that his nose is bothering him too but even with making him comfortable he would still cry. Eoghan said "I bet he is wet that sounds like a wet nappy cry" Well he wasn't he was bone dry so alarm bells went off. We had finally hit upon the problem he couldn't pee. This has happened before so we have to push 20cc of water every 15 mins until he pees bit we relizaed he had not peed since early and his poor system couldn't hate any more fluids so I had to do the dirty deed and cath him. So as I am setting up to do the deed i am praying that he will pee but he doesn't. Just as Iam about ready to put the cath in Joe pipes up and says "have you done his before?" Yes once so I cath him and next thing there is urine flying all over the place. Well at least I got a good sample to take to the peds office. Final tally on the amount of urine 21oz . No wonder the child was uncomfortable he settled down after that. Can you blame him over 2.5 cups of urine.
He is still not himself we just have to get the tubes put back in again its not fair that he is so uncomfortable

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