Saturday, December 12, 2009

New eyes

Well today he got his new eyes well his new contact lenses. The reason he wears contact lenses is he had bilateral catracts removed and they coul not implant artifical lenses. We got soft lenses this time so they are a little bit tricky to get out. He had hard lenses before and we had a little plunger thingy that would pluck the lense out. They are expensive little buggers $200 bucks each so he better not lose these suckers. He doesn't think glasses would be good for him as they would be very thick lenses and its only now his nose bridge is starting to fill in and his prescription would be even higher in glasses.
Lets put it like this Maura's script is +1.75, Eoghans is + 3.75 in glasses and Finnian's contact script is +23.00 so if he had glasses it would be even higher.
The poor lad his ear are causeing problems and it looks like I will have to take him to the doc;s tomorrow to get something a little stronger than the amoxiciallian that I have. His ENT appointment was changed so we have to wait another week to see him. Congrats Doctor W. on the new arrival.

1 comment:

jocalyn said...

yeah...we can relate. Poor Kendall can't get IOL's either. We haven't gone the contact route and her glasses are enormous!