Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Genetic testing and surgery

On Monday we went to see the genetic doctor.They are going ahead to check his gene's to see if anything shows up. Got the blood work done today so now we wait to see if anything shows up. They only thing she did make comment on is that Finnian's hands and feet are smaller than a child his age. What does that mean? we don't know yet.
Today we went to the ENT and with a bit of pushing on my part he is going to get new ear tubes, his adenoids rechecked and if any new tissue it will be removed and he is going to get his tonsils out. He wanted to do a sleep apnea study to see if his tonsils were causing an obstruction before he would remove them but we check him at home to see if he does have O2 destats during the night and at times he does but once you reposition him they will pick back up again. We have to get clearance from neuro and pulmo before the surgery and we also have to get an anesthesia consult. He will also be kept over night for observation which will be a first for us . He has had two prior tube placement surgries the last one they did remove the anenoids and he came home the same day. But his appointment for the surgery isn't until April 23rd 2010 so I have 4 more months of ear infections to deal with. I am not looking forward to that. The doctor only does surgery on Fridays and he is booked until then. They said they might be able to do the surgery if the doctor is availabe and its ok with ortho if he will have his hip surgery done before then. I am not going to hold my breath on that. He checked out his ears and he still has fluid in his left ear so when we go back to the peds on Christmas Eve we will see if he will get a clean bill of health on the ears if not it looks like we will be doing another course of antibotics.

Eoghans sugars have been bouncing all over the place again so when I am at the peds I willsee if I can get the papers to do the 3 hour gulcose test to see if he does have a "sugar" problem. It is never a dull moment in my house.


Debbie said...

These kiddos just don't get a break,huh?
Wouldn't it be nice if just for the holidays they could get "vacation" from all this crud? Us too? Such is life and we all soldier on!

Merry Christmas...prayers for a peaceful one!

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Merry Christmas. I am interested in the hands and feet, be sure to post an update.