Saturday, September 26, 2009

What a morning

Well at 6.07 am this morning our Finnian had a big screeming seizure. I just ran in and grabed him out of his bed and and basically dropped him on the couch. He was still in his seizure I slapped on the pulse ox and his little heart was beating at 189 beats per minute and his oxygen levels were only 78% . The oxygen got taken out and put on him and he got his diastat up his butt. Thankfully his O2 levels came up in to the 90% range but his poor heart was still beating fast. That too came down thankfully. He is sleeping since and all of his levels have stablized out.
Yesterday he did have a seizure no shouting but he did go blue so the oxygen got taken out and we did chest stimulating to make him breath. His nurse said thank God he was not at school when that happened. I just told her "hey we have done this so many times now>" She said "I know but we would have been on the bus when that would have happened." Then people always wonder why my little guy has such a big back pack he needs it to carry all of his gear. I told her not to worry just get the bus driver to pull over until she gets him out of the seat and on to the floor and all she can do is the same thing that we do at home.
Well Joe went and took Eoghan and Maura out there is a street fair on not that far from the house so its just me and my side kick here at home. Maybe when he wakes up we might go and have a gander around at the fair then may be we might just hang out at home all day.
Will update later and let you know how his day went.

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