Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nothing really new

Well everyone is doing good thought Finnian was getting Joe's cold but thankfullyhe didn't get it. Eoghan and Maura are taking their allergy meds and their cough has gone away. I was sure Maura was comming down with croup again she is a bit prone to it when the weather changes or if she gets a cold but thankfully the allergy meds shifted her cough too.
As for me I haven't lost anymore weight but still holding the 17lbs off. I have to get back walking again I had told myself that I would be doing about 5 miles a day by now but alas I am lucky if I get a half a mile a day done. I have no excuse the kids are all in school so when Finny gets on the bus I should just go and do it.
Since we have increased his Banzel he is more alert and is sleeping a bit better even at night but getting him to sleep is a bit harder. I have made up my mind we will not increase any more meds without reducing one of the others he is on. He is on 4 medications for his seizures and the Keto diet, 2 supplements, vitamin drops and an allergy med. We go back to the pulmologist on Thursday and he will probably want him back on his asthma meds via nebulizer. Its too much crap he is on. Don't know if its the increase in theBanzel or a change in the weather but Finnian is drooling alot again so much that he needs his bibs on again. Well I will just wait and see for a few more days the last thing we need is for him to start aspirating his own spit.
Oh well....................

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