Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Doctor's appointment changed again

Yes his appointment has been changed yet again but at least its for after his EMU admission. Yup that's right he will be going in to the hospital to get his brain waves checked and hopefully he will do all the crap that he does at home, chewing, puking,screaming , galloping heart rate etc.
Hopefully they will be able to figure out what's going on with him.
The washing machine company must love me well I should also say Costco's because I am going through quarters for the machines and laundry detergent like no body's business. The super of the building is very nice to us letting me go down to the laundry room even after hours. Well I think he got a whiff of Finnian's puky sheets and decided it would be better to let me down because if I had to wait I think the smell off the sheets would knock a horse. Now I don't just put the sheets and pads into the machine with all the gunk on them that crap gets cleaned off first his clothes too. They also get sprayed with spray and wash with resolve its the only thing that will get the stains out. You he puked today again all I can say is thankfully I had picked up a pack of the disposable pads and put them on the rug under his tumbleform chair or I would have been scrubbing the crap out of the rug. Well as I now say a day in our house would cure anyone of being squeamish of puke.

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