Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just lay it all out don't hold back

The one thing I hate is some one to sugar coat or dance around the subject. That happened to day at the doctors office and I am a little P.O. about it. Look I might not have any letters after my name and I dropped out of college but I am well learned ( had no choice) in medical stuff anything that concerns my kids.I have spent hours reading and researching on both of my boys but more time spent on our Finnian. Look I know that our Finnian is not a "normal" epilepsy case and yes I do believe that he does have some underlying condition that has not been pin pointed yet. He is not a kid that "normal" lines of medical therapy works on he is kind of out of the box. He takes mega doses of meds but yet he has enough electrical activity in his brain that would probably run the household appliances every day.
I have seen my child have many different types of seizures and I have pumped more meds into him to stop them. I have seen him turn blue during a seizure and so have others. I have sat and waited to hear that gasp of air rushing back into his body with the phone at the ready just incase. So there is no reason to sugar coat or dance around the subject I prefer to know the good , the bad and the ugly. I might not like what I hear but at least I would know. So doc just lay it all out and don't hold anything back.

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