Friday, September 11, 2009

We are home

Well we are home after a short visit to the hospital. They did get the events on tape and he even threw up at almost midnight last night. I was so happy that he did everything that we have been seeing at home. Now for the good news and the bad news. Well the good news is he is having ALOT of electrical activity but nothing spiking in to a true seizure. Now the bad news they say he is having seizures in around the base of the brain these cannot be picked up on a regular EEG as that only covers the brain surface.
Seizures in this area of the brain would cause the vomitting, the increase in heart rate and the breathing issues. These are harder to treat. So it now looks like we will be decreasing his meds and hopefully his other seizures won't go off the wall. So again its a wait and see approach.
Have some pics of his stay will post later.

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