Friday, September 18, 2009

and the saga continues

Well this morning after changing 8 + dirty nappies I called the school bus driver and told him that Finnian would not be going to school. Then at about 8:30am I called the school to let thm know about or lad and that I was keeping him at home just incase it was viral and I didn't want to contaminate any other kids if it was true.
Wouldn't you know he was fine. No crying, no carrying on no nothing. But then at about 2:30 pm he started again even his nurse couldn't believe how quickly he changed. It seemed like his pains would come in waves and he wasn't comfortable no matter what you did with him. Had called the doctor but they would only see him if he was running a tempature which he wasn't so they said just keep giving him the low dose of antibotics and if he was the same just bring him in tomorrow morning early. So again its a wait and see approach.
Joe got home early today so I just went into bed and yes I did I had very nice 4 hour nap and that should keep me going just incase its a long night.

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