Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wow what a beautiful day

Today was a really beautiful day. Nearly all the dirty snow is all gone. White snow is nice but when you see big dirty grey/black blobs sitting on the edge of the footpaths thats what you call dirty snow. It was so nice today I even broke out the capri pants. I know,I know I am crazy and its not even March yet. But the weather today was a nice treat from the freezing cold that we have been having. Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer so we will more than likely go to the Botanical Gardens. We haven't been there in a while well not since the train show. The footpaths have been covered and getting Finnian there has been challenge. The kids are off from school for a few days so I will take them there tomorrow and hopefully they will be tired after their adventure there. I told Finnian's nurse to make sure she has her walking shoes on tomorrow as we are all going. I have a membership and I get a few free passes so we might as well enjoy it. Come to think I also have a load of parking passes that we never use its just as easy to walk there this way I don't have to make Joe take the train to work and then when we would come back having to drive around looking for parking what a nightmare. Its the joys of living in the Bronx.
Must do something about my cell phone the ringer doesn't always work well since it went through the washing machine it has been a bit dodgy. Oh well that's it

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