Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Got the call, well I got 2 calls

Got the call first form the doctors office letting me know that the biopsy and lumbar puncture is scheduled for 10.30am. So that's great all I am thinking I don't have to worry about getting anyone to take the other 2 to school. I would have time to drop them off and take Finnian.
Then I get a call from the surgical unit telling me I have to be there at 7am. Excuse me 7am for a 10.30 OR slot I don't think so. So I got told his OR slot is for 9am so I guess we got bumped up. It will depends on who the anesthesiologist is he will have the final say if we get to come home or not. Some like to keep him in over night just for observation. Yes I can understand their reason but knock on wood he has done fine in the past with anesthesia. Its the pain meds we have had issues with.
So right now Finnian is all done with his meds and feeds for the night and he cannot have anything else. So hopefully everything will go smooth and we will be able to come home but if not I am going with everything that we need. THe kids stuff is ready too for them it just means some one has to come over and pick up the bag for them.

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