Sunday, February 13, 2011

The little bugger nearly gave me a heart attack

Just around 5am this morning my little man Finnian nearly gave me a heart attack. He gotten over the seizure and the low oxygen and we were doing pretty good then all of a sudden the bloody alarm went off again so I look at it and of course it doesn't register at first what I was seeing. So I got up and went over and looked at the pulse ox again............................. the heart rate said 26 and it was going down. So of course I blink and look again his HR said 17 and then his O2 starts dropping. I just grabbed him by his hands and ankles and popped him right down on the floor and grabbed the finger pulse ox to make sure it wasn't the probe on the other one. Well it wasn't the finger pulse ox said his HR was 22 and his O2 was 67. So did 5 quick chest compressions and watched his HR climb back up 39, 43, 57,68 ok thats looking better then his O2 started to climb back up. He gets back up to better looking numbers then then it hits me I was bloody lucky that I was awake when that happened you know I don't even want to think about what if I was asleep and didn't hear the alarm.
I needed a good stiff drink so I went in to the kitchen and put the kettle on and made myself a cuppa of coffee and finished off the milk duds. He is still off and oxygen but he is looking much better than what he did just after 5 ish this morning. You know I went to 4 shops today looking for Milk Duds and no one has them. So I picked up a few roll of Rolo's then will do in a pinch but I prefer Mild Duds. May be I will pop the Rolo's in the freezer and pretend they are milk duds. Fingers crossed that tonight will not be a repeat of last night.

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