Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Weekend

Well Friday was a crappy day with rain and Finnian basically slept the whole day. We were also watching him because he wasn't peeing. Even though he was getting plenty of fluids he still wasn't going. He was even told if he didn't go he would have to get the tube put in. Of course he was out cold when we were telling him that. He did finally go and honestly he could have floated the Arc for Noah. It was only when the rain stopped in the evening he woke up and he was in fine form. Saturday was a really nice day took the kids to Irish class and I decided to so a bit of walking while they were in class. Well I guess I am really out of shape but then again I walked on the toughest streets the ones with all the hills. Not really thinking that Finnys chair is like 40 lbs and he now weighs 40lbs so there I am first day walking and pushing him up and then pulling back on the way down man my legs and shoulders were sore. I took the easy route back on flat ground. Saturday night Joe stayed up with him so I got a good nights sleep. Sunday started out good he got his meds and his feed and he was singing along to his music when we heard the tell tale cough of course he started throwing up. He looked like a clown at one stage his face covered with his formula and then he decided to start singing along with one of his favourite voices. That was so typical Finnian finish throwing up and go back to what I was doing before it happened. He has been fine since. Lets see what tomorrow brings

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