Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Not a lot to tell about Tuesday. Finnian had been throwing up until about 3 am and then it was like a you flicked a switch he was back to his normal self. Oxygen has been fine, heart rate in bloody fantastic numbers he isn't throwing up any more. He wants to listen to his music and sing.
I had to make a library run today for more trashy novels. I read when I am up with Finnian at night. I have a Nook colour but I have read a whole load of books on that but when I can go to the library and read for free I will. Its sad when you walk in to the library and the clerk at the counter tell you "We got in some more books that you like". I walked out with 9 books and I hope that will get me through the weekend otherwise I will have to make another run on Saturday. They are just small books like 130-160pages long so I can read one of them in about 2 hours so some nights I will read 2-3 books. I am a bit challenged with technology so I haven't figured out how to get the books from the library on my nook yet. You should have seen me trying to figure out itunes that was a laugh and a half.
Wednesday is supposed to be a nice day temperature wise so we will see.

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