Monday, October 19, 2009

When it rains, it ......... pours

well our Finnian, knock on wood has been doing good. The increase in the Banzel seems to have stopped any out show of seizures. So this post is not about our Finnian but about our Eoghan.
Last week he didn't do well in his test at school. I couldn't understand why as we had gone over everything and he knew the work. I am not the parent that expects the child to bring 100% on every test he does. I am happy with 80% and up. So I thought I might have been putting to much pressure on him. On Saturday he was at a birthday party and he got told no cake, no ice cream etc.. The usual go because of his food allergies. He complained of a headache and he was tired. Hey a room full of 9-10 year olds would make anyones head spin.
Today again he didn't do good on a class test and I knew he had studied and was able to answer all the questions. I didn't know what to say to the teacher because she knows he is a good kid and she is also puzzled. So when we get home he begins to tell me he was so, so thirsty at school today. Then it hits me not doing good on tests, being very tired, headache, getting up at night to go to the bathroom and now being very thirsty. I checked his sugars the machien showed a number that made me gasp. It read blood glucose level 374. I am a bit flustered even Joe's sugars have never been this high and he is a Diabetic. So now I am waiting for the doctor to call me back. I was told to make him drink plenty and told a list of symtoms to watch out for. Now not only does Eoghan have allergies and Eosinophilic Esophagitis he now might have diabetis. But like the allergies it can be controlled and thats what we will aim for is control. So its off to the doctors office we go tomorrow and start all the necessary testing to see.
So shit when it rains it fucking pours

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