Thursday, October 29, 2009


My dear wonderful husband was shocked at how fast the day went by. He was at 3 yes 3 different doctors offices today. First thing this mornig he took Maura to the peds office and got out of there very quickly. Then he had lunch and pottered about on the computer for a bit and then he went to see his Endo doc. She is pleased with him over all and gave him a script to get fasting blood levels done. Well his appointment was at 1:45pm so there is no way he could have waited until then. She didn't have either flu shots neither did the peds office this morning. So I knew that where Eoghan goes to the allergy doc they had the flu shots so I told him just go and get your physical done there and they will give you your shots they also see peds and adults in that office. So he just walked in and they took him. He got all of his regular blood work done, EKG, and he only got the H1N1 flu shot they were out of the regular flu shot but will have some in again next week. He has to go back to get his PPD done on Thursday evening so they can read it on Saturday. Over all they were impressed with his health being that he is a type 2 diabetic. pending blood work results.
So Joe is the only one in our house that has gotten the H1N1 shot and Finnian is the only one that has gotten the regular flu shot.
He was shocked and amazed that the day had gone by so fast. I told him " see what you miss when you go to work every day" His reply " I will go to work every day its much easier delivering the mail than what I did today"
To to all the stay at home Mom's and Dad's my husband tips his hat to all of us and to all the Moms and Dads that work he says " lets keep bringing home thoes pay cheques"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this story ~ giving credit to SAHMs and to a Dad who gets it.

Hoping to see some Halloween photos of your children.
