Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's normal?

Well my life sure as hell isn't. But you know I have gotten to a stage that everything that gets thrown at me is just another test in my life's journey. You always wonder why is it me? Why couldn't it be some one else? But then again I wouldn't wish my problems and troubles on anyone. I am not that kind of person even though I might think it at times when I am ready to pull my hair out.
So if anyone says "oh we have a normal life" they lie. Because no one is that perfect we all have our little quirks. To be honest I am way off normal I am just me and I am happy to be just me.
Like the other day when I was in a bit of a panic with Eoghans sugars being high today when I look back I think its a bit funny because most people think I am in a sense Wonder Woman. I am proud to say "No I am not, I just me". I panic just like anyone it was probably funny to see me pacing and basically chain smoking waiting for a doctor to call me back.
So you see Iam not normal I am just me.

1 comment:

Jennifer Ortiz said...

I hear you. I always get "How do you do it?" Because I have to that's why! You think I want my child to be disabled and need constant medical attention? You do what you have to do, and we would do anything for our kids.
Good post!