Monday, October 12, 2009

Flu shots

Well we went today to get Finnian and Maura their flu shot. So get to the doc's office and sign in and wait about 10 minutes and get called to the front desk. THe normal "What are you here for today?" Flu shots and a check up for Finnian. "Oh sorry we don't have any of the flu shot left we only have the mist for the flu and the mist for the H1N1". I was a bit pissed because at the hospital they would have given Finny a flu shot before we left. All I could say was put us on the list and call us as soon as it comes in. SO Maura was dissapointed that she wasn't getting her shot. So went inside to see the doctor and the nurse wanted to know why we were there so I said" we came for the flu shot for Finny and Maura and he also needs to be checked out as he was in the hospital and has his normal hospital cough." Guess what Finny did get his flu shot but Maura has to wait until they get in the next batch. They have a very limited supply left and are only giving it to the high risk patients. So Finny falls into that group. Well his cough is really nothing but I got asked if he snores. Well he does sometimes but is much better snce he got his adneoids out. I was a bit curious as to why he asked and got told "well he has very big tonsils they are a great colour normal but big balls of tonsils that are touching and that is probably why he is coughing his saliva is pooling in the back of his mouth and then only so much can squees by hence the cough. Next time he goes to the ENT talk to him about removing his tonsils when they do his next round of ear tubes. The next time he gets an ear infection he will be going back getting the tubes and they will take the tonsils out I don't know why they didn't take them out the last time I did ask.
Oh well someting else we have to think about. I wonder if when he has the surgery on his hip if I could have everyone set up to do everything on him in one swoop. Get the hip done, tonsils out and tubes put in, muscle biopsy and the eye doc to give a good chek on his eyes wouldn't that be great? I suppose I can only hope

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Thanks for stopping by Hudson's blog, and I appreciate the info.

Believe it or not we have none of the programs you mentioned here in WA. I even had this talk today with the guy assisting us with Hudson's medical stroller... He confirmed that we are one of the worst states when it comes to programs for medically fragile children. Lucky me! I am hoping if all works well with the MDA, our stroller will be ordered next week.

I noticed you mentioned doing a muscle mito disease suspected?
Sorry for all he/you have been through...sounds like he is a very strong little guy!