Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bloody seizures

Well we had a bloody seizure today but on the bright side I do know what caused it. He has an Infantile spasam seizure and even with diastat it lasted almost 20 minutes. I guess didastat doesn't work on them any more which is a bummer. We gave him 7.5mg and it did absoultly nothing to him didn't even make him sleep.
Oh yeah the cause of his seizure a bad thunder storm. Yup our boy is effected by heavy rain and boy did it rain. As I would normally say it rained like a cow pissing on a flat rock, fast and furious.
Eoghan doesn't like thunder and Maura said "Eoghan its only the angels bowling" but that doesn't work any more with him well he is 9.

1 comment:

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Yeah Jude's infantile spasms can last 20-30 minutes and are "cluster" seizures which are not affected by any immediate medication. Stinks huh? Thank you for always giving us advice. You have helped us so much.