Sunday, June 28, 2009

Have pictures to post. Both of the boys got summer hair cuts. Finnian's nurse nearly had a heart attack all she wanted to know why did we let the barbar cut his hair so short now he has no curls. Its cute but it does shoe how small his head really is. When his hair was longer and he had the rats nest of curls on the back you didn't notice his head size but now when you compare him to a normal 4 year old his head is tiny. I am going to dress they up in their Irish football gear and take pics.
Will post all the pics tomorrow.
Since he started on the new dose of antibotics and the infection is finally gone in his ears he is really a new boy. This new med was supposed to knock him out but I really think it has the oppsite effect on him he now stays awake all day. I am not complaining I think its great he is active more and trying so hard to say words. Friday was a bit crappy for him but then again so was the weather there was a thunder storm with rain so there was a little seizure action going on but not like what he used to be. I don't want to say anyhting yet about the new medication just incase the bubble burst.

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