Monday, February 1, 2010

I get asked Why"?

The thing is Finnian has problems with his hips and on Wednesday we go back to the ortho doc to see if he will be doing the surgery on his his hip soon.
What people say is "Why" Why would I put my child who may never walk through a major surgery like that? Well hello!! may be the reason he doesnt' walk is because it hurts to put weight on the leg. Or may be there are times when he is not himself and you know he has a pain somewhere, may be its his leg?
Yeah its a major surgery and he will be under ansthesia but if it will improve his quality of life and be pain free I am all for it. Hell if it were you wouldn't you do it? I know I would.
Yeah my son is now 5 years old and unable to walk, talk and he wears nappies but at the same time he is treated like a regular child. For example tonight he was on a feed via the button in his belly and he disconected it and there was formula every where. I said " did you do that?" he said "yeah" and started laughing. I told him that it wasn't nice and if he wasn't hungry all he had to tell me " no, eat". He can say no and he signs eat. So I asked him "can you do that?" I get a dirty look and a "yeah". So I clean him up and put on clean jammies and then I just go to hook him up agian on his feed. He puts his hand over his button and says "no". So I asked him " are you all done" and all I get is "yeah". So I put him in to bed.
The thing is we forget that he is 5 and there is more going on in his little noggin. We just have to push him to make more sounds but at least we can play 50 questions and get a "yeah" or "no" out of him. A few months ago he wasn't able to do that because of the seizures but now that we seem to have better control we have to push him again to regain what he lost.

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