Friday, November 13, 2009

What does your name mean?

Your name is something that identifies you as a person. We all have poured over the baby name books trying to figure out what we will name our bundle of joy when we figure out the sex of the unborn child or we might have a few on a list and wait to see the child and figure out what name will suit them the best.
Well my hubby has an Italian last name so I wanted Irish first names for my kids he didn't mind. Eoghan was called after his grandfathers, Maura was names for my grandmothers and my twin sisters and then when it was time for our Finnian we didn't know for a long time if he was a boy or girl so we had a list. Boys names Declan Thomas, Finnian James and Rory Michael. For a girl Aoife Marie, Dervla Ann and Rory Michelle. Well Aoife and Rory got taken off the list because others in the family named their children thoes names. So if it was a girl it would be Dervla so for a boy it would be either Declan or Finnian. Well we found out that he was all boy so the girls name got sent to the cutting room floor. So Joe got to decide what name our little man would be called Finnian James.
There really isn't any translation for Finnian but its know as the "fair one" but the best is that Saint Finnian of Clonard who is an Irish saint is the patron saint of Teaching/Sharing.
So I do think our son was well named he is teaching us so much and through him we are able to share our journey of having a child with medical issues.
So what does your name mean?

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