Monday, November 23, 2009

New mantra

As a parent with a child with many issues the hardest one being his uncontrolled seizures. We all spent hours pouring over any bit or scrap of information we can get on understanding this disorder. We learn how to figure out the meds, the doses, the side effects that our child shows not just the ones on every bit of litature on the drug. Do we get so wrappped up in all of this medical jargon? Hell yes we do but we do it for our child. We all get to a point where we wonder are we doing the right thing pushing our child full of crap that years form now they don't know if it will have other effects on them. We try to figure out if we change them from one benzo drug to another will it be the right thing. Or should see about removing half of the crap he is on and see about starting from the begining all over again. We get questioned because we are only the parents and not medical professionals and what do we know. We know what our child was like before we added that we know what he/she was like before the bloody seizure monster hit.

Through all of this people want to know how are we handling it? I will be honest some days its not easy and you question yourself. Am I doing the right thing , may be I should try the other drug or may be they are right and I should increase but I know this, that and the other will appear and right now I am not ready to handle that.But in all of it there are a few lines of a prayer that helps me keep my sanity now mind you I am not the holy Catholic even though I am Irish. But here it is

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change ( I cannot change Finnian you decided that this was the life he was ment to have)
Courage to change the things I can ( to make people to understand that inability to accept him for who he is , is the biggest disability not the disabilities he has)
and the Wisdom to know the difference ( I cannot make some one accept him just maybe make them understand)

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