Monday, May 3, 2010

What a Monday

Well it was pouring cat's and dog's this morning. TO top it off I had an appointment with the School District to finish up Finnians IEP. So off I went and got there only to find out they have "missed placed" his medical papers, nothing has been sent to the medical review board to justify that his nurse needs to ride on the school bus and stay in class with him and no one went over his vision assessment to write up goals or how much therapy he will get.To be honest I was pissed. The best was the guy wanted me to "run" home and fax his medical report and he would do a phone conference with me. No way in hell was I about to "run" home fax the papers and do an IEP over the phone. I wouldn't mind this was my 3rd appointment to get this IEP done.
I had a dentist appointment I don't mind going to the dentist its the bill from the dentist I hate to get.
Just before I went to get the kids from school the guy from the school district called and asked if I could bring a copy of his medical papers directly to him tomorrow and he would get on top of everything and push to get everything done. He told me he had all ready gotten in contact with a vision person to provide goals and frequency of services for Finnian and as soon as he would get his medical papers he would take care of the medical clearance for his nurse.
They wanted to know about Finnians seizures today all I said " do you want me to tell you about all the seizures types he has or just one type?" They asked what ones he had recently so I just told them he had complex partical which he stops breathing in and mouth to mouth is now something we have to do when we see these. They both just looked at me and I said that's the reason his nurse needs to be with him at all times. He needs to be kept in the line of sight at all times because of this.
He won't be placed into a school until his IEP is finished and they better put him in the school right by me or I will fight it even if I have to go to court.
You know it makes me sick to my stomach that I have to fight tooth and nail to get our Finnian what he deserves and then you hear others get services handed to them for their children and they are not as involved as my child. I guess the way they look at it well this child could do very well in life with the services and it looks like no matter how much we could give this child its not going to make much of a difference for him.
Oh well lets hope that 4th times the charm with getting his nurse, services he is entitled to and placement in the school right near our house.

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