Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why does the child cry?

Since Tuesday our Finnian has not been Finnian. Had him at the docs and the only thing they could say something viral and wait. But the child has been cyring well I chould say whining/crying all since Tuesday. Its heart breaking because when you know there is somthing wrong with your child and the medical professionals can't seem to pin point what is wrong. I think I have slept a total of 5.5 hours since Tuesday. I would go without sleep to find out what is wrong with him and I am trying to make him as comfortable as possible. He is no longer small he has legs that go on forever and at 34 lbs feels like he is 50lbs. When I pick him up he now hits my knees with his toes.
Well its back to the peds with him again tomorrow and get another CBC done to see if somrthing has shown up. Spoke to his Neuro today they think he might be reacting to the increase in the Keppra but I don't think so we have been higher on the Keppra in the past and he was never like this. Every mother knows their child and his crys are that of pain but pain to what? I am just worried as he does have an enlarged ventricle and I am afraid that pressure might be buliding up and of course its a holiday weekend and Finny always throws us for a loop on a holiday weekend. May I am just thinking too much becasue of the lack of sleep. But any parent always wonders why, what ,if I what if, and the lists goes on.

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