Friday, May 8, 2009

Had to go and pick Finnian from school on Wednesday he was having seizures and his nurse had to give him Diastat. She had called about 9:45 am to say he had a seizure and was still a little funny but they would wait and see what would happen. I got a call later to say he had 4 more and she gave him the Diastat so I went and picked him up. He was fine for the rest of the evening. SO I guess we stopped thoes suckers before they really caused a problem.
He was back at school to day and did great. Its funny he is getting to the point now where he squirms all over the place. We haven't seen him to his in along time. So tonight in a blink of an eye he basically launched himself of the couch and ended up face down on the floor. I ran and checked him out before I moved him and at the age of 4 years 3 mths and 11 days old he got his first boo boo. Yup he gave himself a bloody nose. He cried for a few seconds and he said Maaaaaaaa. All I said to him " Did Finny go boom?" and he laughed.
Hopefully this is one of the many firsts that Finnian will accomplish well he also got his first bloody nose so he did two firsts tonight and hopefully more.

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