Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Had to go to school and pick one up today

Well today Finnian's nurse called to say Finnian was not himself and crying like he is in pain. He had been fine in the morning laughing and just being Finnian. When I got there all the kids said ". "Hi Finnian's mommy" He looked miserable so I said first stop doctors office. So off we wnet to the peds office/ The only thing he could say was he has alot of gas in his tummy. No tempature, ears and chest were clear. the did a CBC on him and it just showed he has a virus but no infection. So I asked about seizures affecting his tummy. Well his peeing issues seemed to have resolved but his tummy bothers him alot. We do know his peeing issues were seizure related so maybe his tummy problems are also connected to the seizures. Will call the doctor tomorow and fly it by them and see what they have to say about it. But I can tell you I am going to have a long night so he is not going to go to school tomorrow its not fair to Finnian nor to his nurse nor to the kids and staff at school either. So thats the news for today

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