Friday, May 29, 2009

Below this post is a wonderful story some may even say an Angel tale. I have come across some beautiful works something I might have read with rose coloured glasses on before Finnian and said " Oh yeah thats nice" . But since Finnian some of these "works" really hit home. Its like now I can see with out the rose coloured glasses on and they hold a different meaning. Maybe it just helps us to deal with the challenges that we face in a sweet way. But at the same time you can't help but wonder why, why us. What were we missing in our lives that we were given a child with needs.

They don't follow any child rearing books on the market even though we still read them and feel horrible because our child isn't doing what the books say. Once we get over the shock, the sadness, the anger and other depressing feelings of self doubt and everything else that runs through our minds we change. We become the mother,nurse,doctor,cheerleader, advocate we start speaking another language IEP's, BID,TID,EEG's, mg's, ml's and as needed. Its sad when you sit in the doctor's office and they speak to you as if you were a medical professional and you understand every word they say, no more you have to say " what does that mean". You spend hours on the computer researching every symptom that the child shows and you get your hopes up that you the mammy have found what is wrong with your child but then the balloon gets popped he has some symptoms but not them all. you push for every test because having a "name" will make it easier. Then you take a step back and see the beautiful child, the child that even some doctors just scratch their heads because they don't know. Its like why can my child take mega doses of meds and be on a special diet and still have seizures. May be we are on the wrong ones but we have to try everything. When you have a child that has every type of seizures under the sun which meds do you try. What is the normal call for most kids with the same seizure types your child has doesn't work on your child what do you do. You just try another.
At the end of it all our children are the innocent ones because they don't know how different they are. They are a special gift some even miracles because they have achieved things we never thought they would.

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