Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We don't know what has come over our Finnian the last few days but he is making more and more sounds and trying so hard to talk. He hasn't been this verbal since his hospital stay in September. But then again he was pumped full of drugs kept sedated and on a vent for a few days back then. Its funny sometimes when he seizes he loses some of his abilities but usually over a week or two he gets them back. He had a crappy Wednesday and an even crappier Saturday with seizures and then on tuesday afternoon all these sounds start comming out of his mouth.With seizures you don't know may be he needed these 2 crappy days to shock his brain in to working ? Who knows but I am very happy with all the sounds that are comming out of his mouth

1 comment:

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Glad to hear he is making more sounds! It's amazing what they can accomplish!

We didn't call Jude's dr, because he will see him Monday. We normally will give him our book of seizure activity. 16 minutes sucks, but they used to last up to 30 mins. Jude's do not deplete his oxygen level so we don't need rescue meds.