Thursday, May 28, 2009

We are home

Well everything went good today at Eoghan's upper GI scope. We got to go in early as there were cancellations. He did great I'm not saying it because he is my child. He told the nurse it wasn't his first time and he knew what was going to happen. He was happy that they let him pick out the scented face mask he wanted he chose strawberry. He had to be intabuated because the other anaesthesia they would have given him they couldn't give it because it contained eggs. they asked what part of the egg he was allergic to the white or the yolk I don't know all I know is he is allergic to eggs and I wouldn't give him either just in case he is allergic to both. The scope looked good just like the last time but know we just have to wait for the biopsy results to see if he is eosinophilic free. We could have the results maybe on Tuesday but they will definitely have them by Thursday. We were discharged and on our way out when he threw up they brought him back and we had to wait for another while. After he threw up he felt great and kept asking when are we going home. So we are home and all he wants to do is eat. I keep telling him he has to take it easy or else he might be throwing up again. He said he doesn't care he is hungry.

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