Friday, November 26, 2010


Thanksgiving was nice. It was Siobhan's turn to cook ( we take turns) so we had a table full of food and deserts. Maura was a bit under the weather even though she had been fine when we got there. She was tired and her head hurt so we just let her take a nap. Finnian had loads of dirty nappies but you know they were easier to clean up than if he was throwing up. Eoghan had fun playing Wii with Aidan and as usual he got to borrow one of Aidan's games.It was rainy and cool but still an nice day.
On our way home we passed by a Toys R Us and the parking lot was full and they had someone directing traffic around the store and that was like 9:30pm. Everyone was there to get the bargins.
Today was a lazy day for me and the kids Eoghan was the only one that got dressed as he went with Nanny to get the Irish papers and his Irish dinner. Maura still is a bit under the weather and now she said her throat hurts. I hope its not strep again because if it is she will be going to the ENT.
It depends on how Maura feels but we had planed on going to the Botanical Gardens to see the Christmas Train event. But you know there is always next weekend..

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Glad you enjoyed your holiday weekend...hopefully all will stay healthy for upcoming events! :)