Thursday, November 18, 2010

He's back in the hospital

We took Finnian to the ER on Monday as he wasn't holding his O2 levels even on 2 liters of oxygen. When we got there they said he has autonomic dysfunction but they wanted him to be admitted as even in the ER they had to have him on oxygen. Got admitted under peds to the 6th floor which is neruo/cardiolgy. EEG hooked up halter moniter as well as respiration and another probe on his nose. He is still having some O2 destats but nothing like at home.
Last night he started vomitting and they have confirmed that 2 episodes he has seizures prior to him throwing up. So now GI is involved as well as pulmo and the sleep crew.
X-ray today didn't show any blockages in his digestive system so he is allowed back on tube feeds. They want him to have the nissian fundo done. They are wondering if his O2 destats are related to aspiration so he will probably have to have a PH probe put in to check that out again.
So finally we are getting answers.

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