Saturday, November 6, 2010

Epilepsy Conference

Well today we went to the 7th annual Epilepsy Awareness Day. It was funny when we walked in all I hear is "Finnian!!". The wonderful NP's from the Comprenshive Epilepsy Unit were there. We went in and I got a coffee and Finny got hooked up to his breakfast then the lectures started.
We saw Dr.A and she asked how our Fin man was doing so I told her that we were keping an eye on him and he was having quiet a few heart rates increases and scary decreases as well as O2 issues. She said she would like to get an EEG done on him but I will be able to take him home with it on. She wants to see how his brain is reacting to the changes. We have a cardiology appointment set up for him and we also see the pulmo. We just have to figure out these issues with him.
I am wrecked tired I guess I just have to train myself to sleep when the nurse is here during the day with him. Catching a few zzz's between 4 am and 6 am is just not cutting it. I also have a nap when Joe comes home from work which ranges from 1-2 hours. I am just so afraid I won't hear his alarm during the night so I just stay up until Joe gets up.
My other 2 kids are great and they will keep an eye on him for me when his alarm goes off the shout out the numbers. THey now know the numbers that are the "bad" numbers.
Oh well an extra hour of sleep tonight as the clocks go back.

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