Sunday, November 14, 2010


Well ye all know that I ddin't send Finnian to school in September its a long story so I won't repeat it. But when we were in the hospital last month the movement Doc said Finnian should not be going to school so he signed all the papers so he could get a teacher to come to the house. About 2 weeks ago someone from the school district called and asked about Finnian and I just told her that one of his doctors said that due to what was happening to him he should not be going to school. I get a call on Friday evening its his teacher asking if she can come in on Monday to get Finnian all set up with home instruction. Wow.
Had to call Dr. H as we needed a new script on his Artane and she said "Has the School District gotten in touch with you? they called and asked why he was unable to go to school and she just told them one diagnoses and they said thats fine he will be getting home instruction.
Now we just have to get his therapies set up at home.

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