Thursday, January 7, 2010


You know it was 5 years ago today actually that we saw the neuro surgeon for the first time. In a way it seems like yesterday. We sat across the table from this doctor and we were discussing the possibility that our unborn child might need surgery right after birth. Thankfully he didn't. We went down through all the possibilities of how he might be affected from his in-utero stroke. Really the good, the bad and the ugly of the effects that the stroke might have on him. The gut punching question that the doctor put us " Do you want to put a DNR in place?" I guess the look on our faces made him realize that we hadn't though about that. Who would think about a DNR when you are about to give birth. Yeah we knew our child would have issues but we never thought that he might not live through the birth. We told him we couldn't make that decision right now but we would think about it. You know even when I was about to deliver him I still really hadn't made my mind up. But you know its still in the back of my mind even today that at some point we might have to make that decision and it won't be an easy one to make.

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