Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

For anyone with a child,brother,sister, family member or you know of some one with this horrible form of epilepsy there is a new web site.
I will also add it to the side bar.
Thanks Jackie for sending it to me.

A little on LGS -: it is known to be a type of epilepsy with many different types of seizures.Its associated with mental impairment. The seizures are hard to control even with seizure medications.

Our Finnian has been diagnosed with LGS and he takes many medications. We are not seizure free but since the start of Banzel and the slow wean in Keppra we have noticed an improvment. For now this seems to be the right combination but for how long we don't know.


Debbie said...

I didn't know he was dx with LG.

I remember reading about LG, and wondering if Hudson was ever looked at for this....his nuero said he does not have it...I can't remember what the "markers" are, but didn't have it.
Hudson's seizures are strictly due to the fact that there is an energy issue, not an anatomical issue.
Crazy how many "faces" there are to intractable seizures!

Hope you guys are having a good week!

Hugs....Deb& Hudson

Jackie Holmes said...

I am so glad you found our site helpful and thank you very much for sharing this new resource with others.

All the best,