Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pulmo visit

Well today we took Finnian to see his pulmo doc. Results he is doing good but he seems to have some allergies so he was given singulair. We are to continue the pulmicort for another month and then wean him down to once a day and then stop. The singulair is just for 3 months so not to bad. We told him about that Finny gets very croaky, congested but only in his upper airway not the lungs. He said it has to do with the position of his head. When his head is hanging forward he is unable to swallow his saliva. So then when we straighten his head up right he can swallow and he cannot control the saliva so he aspirates some. So more suctioning and better head positioning. He could see some fluid in his left ear but its not infected his grommet is probably blocked so just watch him incase it does turn into an infection.
Over all he was happy with him and unless he gets sick we don't have to go back until October.
So thats todays update.

1 comment:

jocalyn said...

Glad to hear the appointment went well! My oldest (without any major health issues) is on singulair...and it works like a charm! I haven't e-mailed you about the Vigabitrin cause the nurse called and gave me the info in Canada! Hopefully we won't have to start it, but if we do, I'm sure I'll have questions. Thanks for your help!