Thursday, April 30, 2009

Its Pediatric Stroke Awareness Week

This is something I can relate to as our Finnian is a stroke surivor. The biggest misconception is that kids cannot have a stroke. Well yes they can and the out come of every baby, toddler, child and teen is different.
Our Finnian had his stroke between November 2nd 2004 and December 9th 2004. The reason we can pin point the time is due to monthly sonograms.So his occured between months 6-7 in utero. I remember being told that it looked like he had a bleed in his brain and it it blocked the flow of spinal fluid out of his right ventricle. So our journey began specialists.scans, MRIs doctors new OB/GYN, new hospital all at 36 weeks pregnant.
The only thing was Finnian didn't grow after he had his stroke at 7mths they figured he was 6lbs 10 oz and about 19 " when he was born he weighed 6lbs 12oz and was 19" long. When he was born he did everything they didn't expect him to do and they couldn't find anything wroing with him but time would tell and as long as would follow up with everyone they couldn't see keeping him in the hospital so he came home with me when he was 2 days old.
Time did tell and we are still learning about our Finnian. But Finnian is Finnian and he is a gift. So just remember Yes babies can have strokes.

1 comment:

jocalyn said...

Finnian and Kendall sound more and more alike each day! Wish we lived closer! We had the same experience with Kendall coming home at 2 days old. She was a tiny little thing, but appeared healthy in every other way.
Hope you all are doing well!