Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Eoghan

I mostly write about our Finnian here but I think its time I explained about what our Eoghan has. Our Eoghan has Eosinophilic Esophagaitis its classified as an autoimmune disorder. The basics of this disorder is he eats food and his body sends signals that food is an invader so the body attacks.
We started on Eoghan's journey last year. I had made a few trips to the doctors office with and it was always written off as a bug/virus. THey did blood,urine and stool workup on him. When I went back 3 days later they did the blood allergy test on him because his eosinophilic count was very high. Went back to get thoes results and the doc wrote a script right away for an epi pen and told me I had to take him to an allergist and a GI doc right away. I had an appointment with Finny's GI doc so I took him there first. He said at the first visit that with Eoghan's symptoms it sounded like EE but he would need an upper GI scope with biopsy but I should take him to the allergist and see what they would find out. Well we found out our Eoghan has bad allergies after the GI scope w/biopsy he did have alot of eosinophilic cell in his esophagus and stomach. THen we had to have the food allergy tests done. With the results we know what he cannot eat, waht he can have in small amounts and what are safe for him to eat. He also takes meds to help there is no cure for what he has but with the right foods and treatment it can be helped its something that he won't grow out of its something he has to live with for the rest of his life with.
So I'm not a mom on a journey with one child i'm on a journey with two children with different disorders. Am I super mom? no I'm just mom who has to read every food lable to make sure that there isn't any of Eoghan's no no foods in them and for Finnian to make sure that it is something he can eat as long as I add the high fat to it. It's a journey but it's our journey and I culdn't be more proud of my boys.


jocalyn said...

Wow. Bless your heart, you ARE on a journey. Your kids are lucky to have such a strong, positive, encouraging and loving mom. Keep up the good work!

Bronx Cataldo's said...

Thanks love.
Looking back he has had it for a long time. He always as we thought ate to quickly and would choke on food but we were wrong that is one of the symptoms of he disorder