Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday night

Well again we had a rough night. He is going good now but he gave me a scare. All I was thinking about was he is acting the same way he did in September and we all know what happened then he ended up in the hospital on a vent for a few days.
It was at 11:21 pm and we were playing on the bed he was having fun eating Maura's baby doll then in a blink of an eye he was thrashing around and very spastic in his movements. I just touch him and he nearly jumped off the bed. Panic set in, no not again.
Everything seemed to be going in slow motion and I seemed to be stuck, what do I get first. Normally I just go on super mode and get everything the first minute I hear the shout. But all I could do for a minute was watch him and tell him "its going to be OK". Then the shout happened and I was out the door on super power mode grabbing all of his stuff.
I got everything and ran back to him and started getting him all set up. He was so senstive to touch, I had to fight him to get the oxygen cannual on him,fight him to attach the pulse ox on him. His oxygen was only 76% so I cranked the O2 on. Then I went to give him the Diastat and just opening his diaper the noise of pulling the tabs he was set off again. gave him the Diastat and waited. You could see his whole body relaxing he became less spastic and thankfully his O2 levels came back up to the 89% then came back up to 96%. I took his blood pressure but it was hard to hear because all I could hear was my own heart pounding.
From the first onset of the seizure to when his O2 was back to normal was only 4.5 minutes but it seened like hours. Its been 3 weeks since he had one of these but the last one was mild compared to the one he had last night.
I'm sorry this account was very graphic but this is what we deal with. Everyone will say "I couldn't do what you did" . We all say that, never did I dream that I would be doing what I do, but I do it all for Our Finnian.

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