Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I know its great that the tests and biopsies are all normal but we still don't have any answers. 2 tests are still pending but we were told that because everything else came back normal there is little chance that anything would show in them. So its like where do we go or what do we do from here????? The thing is he is having mini like stroke episodes are they strokes or are they seizures? At the same time do I want to know if my child is having mini strokes versus seizures? Its the same thing we all wonder what came first the chicken or the egg.
We told her about the cycle he seems to go through with the vomiting, low O2, the high and low heart rates, his inability to pee, constipation even though he does move his bowels. Even she mentioned autonomic issues.
So the next thing is an MRI of his brain to check out all the blood vessels to see if they are mini strokes he is having. Its like the dog chasing after its own tail we seem to be going around in circles too chasing I don' know anymore. We also have to go back to the movement Doc it looks like he might need an adjustment on the med for his dystonia. I suppose its good that they don't want to do anything to his seizure meds but he is still having seizures.

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